Friday, May 22, 2015

Summertime Scheduling at the Shop

Summer is nearing: Updates and the summer schedule

As of this month, I am working at a new day job, 40hrs a week, welding in a small production shop. I have had to spend some extra time transitioning, but, David's Monster Cross is finished, bikes are getting painted, and repairs are still rolling through.

In the shop queue, I have a single wheel touring trailer, as well as racks for the Icebreaker, in the design stage that will hopefully come together over the next month or so. Mayday Cafe asked for a fifth rack for bikes out front so I will be working on that also.

As for frame builds, I will be accepting two more custom builds before fall, then I will most likely not be taking new customers as my partner will be in the U of M MSW program for the next year and a half. Of course, it's not that I don't want to be building, more realistically I won't be able to turn anything around in a timely manner.

That means that if you want to get in a summer track/road bike, fall cross ride or Icebreaker winter commuter, you'll need to get a deposit down and a spot in the queue in the next month or so to make sure you 'll have a spot and can get the tubes ordered and get it to the painter before the end of summer.

Also, a big shout out to Anthony at AP-Paints, always doing a bang up job, Ynez for letting me take care of her TIG welder, and David, Jamison, Alex, Natalie and all the encouraging friends and family for the support. It takes a community. Y'all rule.

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